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Golf in Marienbad is an essential part of sports in the city.

Discount 20% on green fees at golf courses in Marianske Lazne and in the vicinity

Royal Golf Club Mariánské Lázně

“The opening of Marianske Lazne golf course was conducted by His Majesty King Edward VII on August 21st, 1905. The golf club at Marianske Lazne is the only golf course in Central Europe with such a distinguished past. The King of England loved visiting Marianske Lazne and made a total of 10 trips to the golf course, the last was in 1909.”


Golf Club Kynžvart is the youngest club in the smallest region in the Czech Republic where nowadays the largest amount of golf courses in area and population is. The golf course is located on the edge of Slavkov Forest, in the imaginary center of other golf courses located from Kynžvart in the distance of maximum 50 kilometers


TEETIME –  golf play booking